Person to person (P2P) business-owners like beauty services (facial treatments, waxing, brows pigment, eyelashes extensions) carefully have spent long hours of daily work on building a robust tail of clients. Like domino stacking pieces, I am sure you have taken the time, patience, and much care to make sure that every client receives the service and final results gladly. After all, good reviews and referrals are the keys to keep you in business and upwards. You know that only one single unhappy client is enough to damage your brand. But when there is an external danger you can't control, it may walk you to the beginning of a crisis.
When COVID hit, and throughout the days of the unwanted but critical social distance, you saw every domino pieces falling one over the other in slow motion. The awful feeling of desperation and stress prevented you from thinking of new ideas to save your business. The good or bad news is you are not the only one who got dragged into the mess.
800,000 people working in beauty shops and related services stopped attending clients, and in some cases, are out of business by now.
With no end in sight, small businesses can’t afford to hunker down. The smarter strategy? To reach out.
Digital Network
I've written and sold about the value of networking for marketing. Being part of a valuable community where you can discuss common challenges and strategies to survive in business regardless of the size of each company is crucial.
Much more now, when we face the limitation of attending physical interaction, we must catch up with the virtual channels to keep the connection and mastermind. The collective need to overcome the crisis is a more definite reason to keep finding and offer help and comfort.
The new normal
In some countries, the peak of the virus spread has decreased, and we are finally free to open your venue and attend small groups of clients at the time.
Although being back to take care of your clients feels like a great relief, business is not going back to what once was. The new normal is much different and has changed people's behavior. Your clients are scared of the virus and the easy ways to get contagious in seconds.
As a business owner, you may want your clients to trust you and your impeccable care.
Social media posts, blogs, videos, and live streaming videos with your steps and actions to keep your office and your staff disinfected invites people to trust you and book appointments.
The e-commerce business
Thanks to quarantine or close down, people developed new skills like manicure, haircuts, waxing, and home-made facial masks. Now, your clients may find you not as indispensable as before Covid. No worries!
E-commerce, on the other side, has shown robust growth during this pandemic. Although your main stream of income is the service and the unique products to keep your clients good-looking and happy, there are other ways to keep having them happy without giving the same service. Think of preparing webinars, consultation, and friendly training to educate your clients to practice healthy techniques to keep their beauty going from home. You can open a low-cost website supported by the constant use of social media. Also, with the help of the free 40-min zoom call, you can sell consultations online.
This could surely position you as an expert in your field, becoming a significant boost to your business.
It is time to think out of the box and take much advantage of the free digital tools out there.
For further assistance to get back in business visit www.strategy-branding.com/services
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